Rise Institute


9.8/10 ( Rating based on customer satisfaction globally )

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Nagpur, the third-biggest city and winter capital of Maharashtra, India, ranks 13th nationwide in population. It’s a Smart City Project frontrunner and one of Maharashtra’s proposed Smart Cities.

Known as the Orange City, Nagpur is a key trading hub with extensive orange farming. It’s also home to big food companies like Haldiram’s, Suruchi International, and Actchawa.

Central India’s educational powerhouse, Nagpur is rapidly evolving into a smart city. It hosts tech giants such as Tech Mahindra, TCS, Global Logic, and HCL. Infosys is even setting up a campus in the Mihan Special Economic Zone.

Great news for Nagpur locals: The city offers popular data science courses. If you’re aiming to become a Data Scientist, Business Intelligence Developer, Data Analyst, Engineer, or Machine Learning Specialist, these programs are worth considering.

Comparison Chart: Top 12 Data Science Courses in Nagpur with Placement.

Institute RankNameTraining Delivery TypeOffering Course SinceFeesPlacement Assistance
1Rise InstituteOnline & Offline2018INR 30k-90k100%*
2Data Science EraOnline & Offline2012INR 45,000100%
3LIVEWIREOffline2017INR 50,000100%
4Atlanta Computer InstituteOnline & Offline2000INR 79,500100%

What's Data Science and Why Does it Matter?

Picture Data Science as a digital Sherlock Holmes – a champion for information in our online world. Its mission? To make sense of our vast data troves. Imagine a massive jigsaw puzzle – that’s our data. Data Science is the clever tool that pieces it together, revealing the big picture. It uses smart techniques and math wizardry to decode the secrets hidden in numbers, text, or images.

So, why is this such a big deal? Think about the data we generate daily – from tweets to online purchases. Data Science helps businesses and researchers unlock the potential of this information. It enables companies to understand what customers really want, making your shopping experience smoother.

It also aids doctors in spotting health trends, leading to improved treatments and medicines. In essence, Data Science is like a superhero that uncovers the mysteries of our digital universe. It enhances our lives by transforming data mountains into valuable insights. Next time you’re amazed at how an app seems to read your mind, thank Data Science for making it possible!

Top 4 Data Science Programs in Nagpur

1. Rise Institute.

Rise Institute stands out as India’s leading digital skills training provider. Our curriculum is crafted by a team of over 10 data science experts, incorporating insights from 250 innovative businesses across Asia.

We’ve tailored our program to match the skill requirements of both small and large digital marketing agencies, as well as in-house marketing teams. Our approach is practical, blending hands-on work, research, and assignments to ensure a comprehensive learning experience.

Why Pick Rise Institute's Online Data Science Course?

Join our Data Science Training in Nagpur Program, India’s finest, to kickstart your data science certification journey. You’ll get practical experience with over 75 projects covering areas like Statistics, Advanced Excel, SQL, Python Libraries, Tableau, Advanced Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. These projects mirror real-world challenges from various sectors including healthcare, manufacturing, sales, media, marketing, and education. The training equips you for more than 30 different job roles, opening up a wide range of exciting career possibilities.

Benefits of Online Data Science Courses

Enrolling in an online Data Science course is like embarking on an exciting learning adventure from your own space. The flexibility is a major plus – you decide when and where to learn. No rush to get to class; you can even study in your pajamas if you want! Plus, these courses often let you set your own pace.

Need extra time on a challenging concept? No problem! Another great aspect is accessibility. The internet connects you with top-notch instructors and resources worldwide. It’s like having a virtual library at your fingertips! Online courses also use interactive tools and videos, making learning more engaging than traditional textbooks. Cost-saving is another advantage.

You save on travel expenses and pricey textbooks. You can become a Data Science pro without breaking the bank. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of data and numbers, an online Data Science course could be your perfect starting point!

Data Science Course Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction to Data Science
Introduction to the Industry & Buzzwords
Industrial application of data science
Introduction to different Data Science Techniques
Important Software & Tools
Career paths & growth in data science
Module 2: Introduction to Excel
Introduction to Excel- Interface, Sorting & Filtering,
Excel Reporting- Basic & Conditional Formatting
Essential Excel Formulae
Layouts, Printing and Securing Files
Module 3: Introduction to Stats
Introduction to Statistics & It’s Applications
Different types of Data
Population vs Sample
Sampling Techniques
Intro: Inferential vs. descriptive statistics
Module 4: Descriptive Stats Using Excel Datasets
Categorical Variables Visualization Using Excel Charts- FDT, Pie Charts, Bar Charts & Pareto
Numerical Variables Visualization of Frequency & Absolute Frequency- Using Histogram, Cross Table & Scatter Plot
Measure of Spread ( Mean, Mode , Median)
Measure of Variance( Skewness, SD, Variance,
Range, Coef. Of Variance, Bivariate Analysis, Covariance & Correlation)
Module 5: Inferential Stats Using Excel Datasets
Introduction to Probability
Permutation & Combinations
Types of events
Normal distribution
Standard Normal distribution
Normal vs. Standard Normal distribution
Confidence Intervals & Z-Score
Hypothesis Testing & It’s Types
Module 6: Database Design & MySQL
Relational Database theory & Introduction to SQL
MySQL Installation
Database Creation in the MySQL Workbench
Querying in MySQL
Joins and Set Operations
SQL Practice Case Study
Window Functions
Case Statements, Stored Routines and Cursors
Ø Query Optimisation and Best Practices  
Ø Problem-Solving Using SQL
Module 7: Data Visualization Using Advanced Excel
LOOKUP functions
Pivot Tables
WHATIF Analysis
Dashboard Creation
Recording Macros
Advanced Visualizations- PIVOT Charts, Sparklines, Waterfall Charts
Data Analysis ToolPak – Regression in Excel
Module 8: Data Visualization Using Tableau
Introduction to Tableau
What is Data Analytics?
Why Data Visualisation?
What is Tableau?
Why Tableau?
Tableau vs Excel and PowerBI
Exploratory and Explanatory Analysis
Getting started with Tableau
Visualizing and Analyzing data with Tableau – I
Bar Charts
Line Charts and Filters
Area Charts
Box plots and Pivoting
Maps and Hierarchies
Pie Charts
Treemaps and Grouping
Visualizing and Analyzing Data with Tableau – II
Joins and Splits
Numeric and String functions
Logical and Date functions
Histograms and parameters
Scatter Plots
Dual Axis Charts
Top N Parameters and Calculated Fields
Stacked bar Charts
Dashboards – II and Filter Actions
Module 9:  Python Programming
Installing Anaconda & Basics of Python
Introduction to programming languages
Compiler vs Interpreter
Getting Started With Python
Introduction to jupyter Notebooks
Identifiers, Keywords
Print function
Comment, Indentation
Data Types Functions
Understanding what are functions
Defining and calling functions
Local and global variables
Different types of arguments
Map,reduce,filter,lambda and recursive functions
Data Structures in Python
Practice Exercise
Operator Input and Output
Different Arithmetic , logical and Relational operators
Input, Output function
Eval function
Format Function
Control Flow
If elif else statement
For and while loops
Break , continue and Pass statement
List and dictionary comprehensions
Understanding what are functions
Defining and calling functions
Local and global variables
Different types of arguments
Map,reduce,filter,lambda and recursive functions  
File Handling
Purpose of file handling
Different function in file handling (open,read, write,close)
Different modes (r,w,a,r+,w+,a+)
With block
Exception Handling, OOPX & Regex
What is exception handling
Try, except, else and finally block
Different types of Exception
Concept of Oops
Different functions in Regex
Metacharacters in Regex
Module 10: Python For Data Science
Introduction to NumPy
Basics of NumPy
Operations Over 1-D Arrays
Practice Exercise I
Multidimensional Arrays
Creating NumPy Arrays
Mathematical Operations on NumPy
Mathematical Operations on NumPy II
Computation Times in NumPy vs Python Lists
Practice Exercise II
 Introduction to Pandas
Basics of Pandas
Pandas – Rows and Columns
Describing Data
Indexing and Slicing
Operations on Dataframes
Groupby and Aggregate Functions
Merging DataFrames
Pivot Tables
Practice Exercise
Module 11: Data Visualization Using Python- Matplotlib & Seaborn
Introduction to Data Visualisation with Matplotlib
Introduction to Matplotlib
The Necessity of Data Visualisation
Visualisations – Some Examples
Facts and Dimensions
Bar Graph
Scatter Plot
Line Graph and Histogram
Choosing Plot Types
Data Visualisation: Case Study
Case Study: Mind Map
Case Study Overview
Data Handling and Cleaning: I
Data Handling and Cleaning: II
Sanity Checks
Outliers Analysis with Boxplots
Practice Questions
Data Visualization with Seaborn
Distribution Plots
Styling Options
Pie – Chart and Bar Chart
Scatter Plots
Pair Plots
Revisiting Bar Graphs and Box Plots
Line Charts
Stacked Bar Charts
Case Study Summary
Practice Questions
Module 12: Exploratory Data Analysis
Data Sourcing
Module Introduction
Introduction to EDA
Public and Private Data
Private Data
Public Data
Web Scraping-I
Web Scraping-II
Data Cleaning
Data Types
Fixing the Rows and Columns
Impute/Remove Missing Values
Handling Outliers
Standardising Values
Fixing Invalid Values and Filter Data
Practice Questions
Univariate Analysis
Introduction to Univariate Analysis
Categorical Unordered Univariate Analysis
Categorical Ordered Univariate Analysis
Statistics on Numerical Features
Graded Questions
Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis
Numeric – Numeric Analysis
Correlation vs Causation
Numerical – Categorical Analysis
Categorical – Categorical Analysis
Multivariate Analysis
Graded Questions
Module Summary
Module 13: Supervised Learning Model – Regression
Introduction to Simple Linear Regression
Introduction to Simple Linear Regression
Introduction to machine learning
Regression line
Best fit line
Strength of simple linear regression
Simple linear regression in python
Assumptions of simple linear regression
Reading and understanding the data
Hypothesis testing in linear regression
Building a linear model
Residue analysis and predictions
Linear Regression using SKLearn
Multiple Linear Regression
Motivation-when one variable is not enough
Moving from SLR to MLR-new considerations
Multi collinearity
Dealing with categorical variables
Model assessment in comparison
Feature selection
Multiple Linear Regression in Python
Reading and understanding the data
Data preparation
Initial steps
Building the model I & II
Residue analysis and predictions
Variable selection using RFE
Industry Relevance of Linear Regression
Linear regression revision
Prediction versus projection
Media company case study
Exploratory data analysis
Model building – I, II & III
Assessing the model
Interpreting the results
Module 14: Supervised Learning Model – Classification
Univariate Logistic Regression
Binary classification
Sigmoid curve
Finding the best fit sigmoid curve – I
Finding the best fit sigmoid curve – II
Odds and log Odds
Multivariate Logistic Regression – Model Building
Multivariate Logistic Regression – Model Building
Data cleaning and preparation – I & II
Building your first model
Feature elimination using RFE
Confusion metrics and accuracy
Manual feature elimination
Multivariate Logistic Regression – Model Evaluation
Multivariate Logistic Regression – Model Evaluation
Metrics beyond accuracy-sensitivity and specificity
Sensitivity and specificity in Python
Understanding ROC curve
ROC curve in python
Finding the optimal threshold
Model evaluation metrics – exercise
Precision and recall
Making predictions
Logistic Regression – Industry Applications – Part I
Getting familiar with logistic regression
Nuances of logistic regression-sample selection
Nuances of logistic regression-segmentation
Nuances of logistic impression-variable transformation-I, II & III
Logistic Regression: Industry Applications – Part II
Model evaluation – A second look
Model validation and importance of stability
Tracking of model performance over time
Logistic Regression – Industry Applications – Part II
Commonly face challenges in implementation of logistic regression
Model evaluation – A second look
Model validation and importance of stability
Tracking of model performance over time
Module 15: Advanced Machine Learning
Unsupervised Learning: Clustering
Introduction to Clustering
K Means Clustering
Executing K Means in Python
Hierarchical Clustering
Business Problem Solving
Introduction to Business Problem Solving
Case Study Demonstrationchurn example
Practice Questions
Tree Models
Introduction to Decision Trees
Algorithms for Decision Tree Construction
Hyperparameter Tuning in Decision Trees
Ensembles and Random Forests
Time Series Forecasting – I (BA)
Introduction to Time Series
Smoothing Techniques
Time Series Forecasting – II (BA)
Introduction to AR Models
Building AR Models
Model Selection
Principles of Model Selection
Model Building and Evaluation
Module 16: AI- NLP, Neural Networks & Deep Learning
Introduction to NLP
What is NLP?
History and evolution of NLP
Applications of NLP
Challenges in NLP
Overview of NLP pipeline
Corpus and Corpus Linguistics
NLTK Toolkit
Introduction to the NLTK toolkit
Preprocessing text data with NLTK
Basic NLP tasks using NLTK (e.g., Part-ofSpeech Tagging, Named Entity Recognition)
Stemming and Lemmatization
WordNet in NLTK
Chunking and Chinking
Sentiment Analysis with NLTK
Tokenization and Topic Modeling
Tokenization in NLP
Bag-of-Words representation
Topic Modeling with LDA
Latent Semantic Analysis
Word Embeddings
Sentiment Analysis Project:
Introduction to Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis using supervised and unsupervised methods
Building a Sentiment Analysis model with Python
Evaluating Sentiment Analysis models
AI vs Deep Learning vs ML
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL)
Applications of AI, ML, and DL
Differences between AI, ML and DL
The Concept of Neural Networks
Introduction to Neural Networks
Types of Neural Networks
Layers in Neural Networks
Activation Functions
Neural Networks – Feed-forward, Convolutional, Recurrent
Feed-forward Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks
Applications of Neural Networks
Deep Learning Project
Building a Deep Learning model with Python
Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
Natural Language Processing with Recurrent Neural Networks

Data Science Projects and Assignments

Major Projects

  1. Customer Lifetime Value Analysis: This project uses SQL to calculate customer lifetime value, helping understand the long-term revenue generated by each customer.
  2. Predicting Customer Churn: Here, you’ll build a predictive model using SQL to identify customers likely to leave based on their behavior and transaction history.
  3. E-Commerce Sales Dashboard: Create an interactive dashboard using Tableau & SQL to analyze retail sales data, spot trends, and make data-driven decisions.
  4. Customer Segmentation Visualization: Develop a customer segmentation dashboard with Tableau to identify distinct customer groups based on demographics, behavior, and buying patterns.
  5. Movie Suggestion System: This project uses Python and libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-Learn to create a system that recommends movies based on user likes and ratings.
  6. Twitter Mood Analysis: Using Python with NLTK and TextBlob, this project analyzes Twitter data to understand the overall feeling about a specific topic.
  7. COVID-19 Data Visuals: This project uses Python with Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly to show COVID-19 data, helping understand how the pandemic affected different places.
  8. Stock Market Visuals: Using Python with Pandas, Matplotlib, and Bokeh, this project creates visuals of stock market data to spot trends in stock prices over time.
  9. Airbnb Data Study: This project looks at Airbnb data to find patterns in pricing, availability, and quality of listings in various cities.
  10. Bike Sharing Analysis: This project studies bike sharing data to understand how people use bikes in different cities and what affects bike usage.
  11. House Price Guessing: Using Python and Scikit-Learn, this project builds a model to guess house prices based on things like location, size, and features.
  12. Loan Risk Prediction: This project uses Python and Scikit-Learn to create a model that predicts if someone might not pay back a loan based on their credit history.
  13. Sales Trend Prediction: This project uses advanced methods like ARIMA and LSTM to predict future sales trends and find what affects sales.
  14. Product Review Mood Check: This project uses NLP techniques like Word Embeddings and RNNs to check product reviews and understand how customers feel about different products.
  15. Deep Learning for Image Sorting: This project uses advanced deep learning methods like FCN and U-Net to sort images and find objects in them.
  16. Language Translation with AI: This project builds a model using advanced deep learning techniques like Transformers to change text from one language to another.

Case Studies & Homework:

  • Healthcare Feedback Examination
  • Management Dashboard Development
  • Retail Sales Report Evaluation
  • Software Company Staff Data Review
  • Industrial Dataset Grouping & Contrast
  • Visual Tools: Frequency Tables, Pie Charts, Pareto Diagrams, Histograms, Scatter Plots, Heat Maps, Bar Graphs and more.
  • Patient Illness Likelihood Study Using Health Records
  • Vehicle Model & Menu Item Combination Probability Assessment
  • Production & Product Introduction Data Sorting & Review
  • Customer Issue Resolution Study Using Bell Curves
  • Item Rating & Worker Output Analysis Using Standard Scores
  • New Product Demand Study Using Statistical Tests
  • Stock Control & Customer Group Systems Using Data Lookups
  • Sales Pattern & Staff Planning with Pivot Tables
  • Price Strategy & Money Model Creation Using Scenario Tools
  • Sales & Operations Dashboard Building
  • Health & Building Report Automation Using Macros
  • Shop Sales Chance Analysis Using PIVOT Charts
  • Finance Firm Report Study Using Sparklines & Waterfall Charts
  • Consumer Goods Ad Spend to Revenue Impact Study Using Regression
  • Transport Pricing Model Using Statistical Analysis

Data science program costs

Data Science Master Program Fees: 30k-90k

Contact Details

Rise Institute Main Office: Office 36, Akshar Geometrix Silver Christ Kamothe, near Khandeshhwar, Sector-25, Khandeshhwar, Railway Station, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 410209

Email: contact@riseinstitute.tech

Phone: +91 93242 88446

Website: www.riseinstitute.tech

2. Data Science Era

Getting good training in new tech has been hard for many people in India.

Data Science Era wants to make it easier for everyone to get quality training in new tech fields. They teach things like Data Science, Analytics, Big Data, AI, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Development, DevOps, Digital Marketing, Management, Engineering, and more.

Course Topics:

Module 1 – Python Basics

  • Your first code
  • Data types
  • Math and Variables
  • Working with Text

Module 2 – Python Data Structures

  • Lists and Tuples
  • Sets
  • Dictionaries

Module 3 – Python Coding Basics

  • If-else statements
  • Loops
  • Functions

Module 4 – Using Data in Python

  • Reading and Writing Files
  • Data Handling with Pandas
  • Pandas Data Operations and Storage

Course Features:

  • 100+ hours of instruction
  • Practice Assessment Included
  • Completion Certificate
  • Skill Level Indication
  • 4 Industry-Based Projects
  • Hands-On Learning
  • One-on-One Mentoring from Industry Experts
NameData Science with Python Course
Course Duration5 Months
Address:3rd floor, Zal Complex, Bazar, beside Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Sadar, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440001
Mob: 099757 36962
Avg. Google Rating:5
Offering DS Training in Nagpur Since:2012
FeesINR 45,000
Branches in India:Noida, Delhi, Nagpur, Mumbai
Flagship Course Names:
  • Business Analytics with Tableau
  • SAS Programming Beginner to Advanced
  • Natural Language Processing: Machine Learning NLP In Python
  • Deep Natural Language Processing (Deep NLP)
  • Deep Learning and Neural Networks with Computer Vision
  • Certificate Program in Tableau
Exclusive Data Science Institute:Yes
Training Delivery ModelOnline & Offline


LIVEWIRE combines advanced skills, expert instructors, and personalized attention. As part of CADD Centre, a global skill development group, they aim to unite these elements to prepare students for exciting tech careers.

They offer numerous courses in cutting-edge IT, computer science, electronics, and electrical topics, including data science, machine learning, IoT, AI, and blockchain. These programs ready students for roles in software, automotive, healthcare, and other tech-forward industries.

Industry professionals and product developers create their curricula. Seasoned instructors lead training in modern digital classrooms and industry-grade labs. The approach uses immersive and hybrid teaching methods to enhance skill development.

Course Curriculum:

  • Data Science Introduction
  • Python Programming Overview
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Data Visualization Techniques
  • Data Distribution and Correlation
  • Regression Analysis Methods
  • Clustering: Hierarchical and K-means
  • Classification: KNN, Naïve Bayes
  • Decision Trees and Random Forests
  • Text Mining and Word Clouds
  • Dimension Reduction and Association Rules
  • Time Series Forecasting
  • Machine Learning Fundamentals
  • Applied Data Science with Python
  • Career Readiness Program

Program Highlights

  • Expert Faculty
  • Student Guidance and Support
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Hands-On Project Work
  • Job Placement Assistance
  • Industry-Aligned Training
NameMaster in Data Science
Course Duration6 Months
Address:Plot No. 13, 1st floor, Block 2, MB Tower, Nandanvan Main Rd, Mire Layout, Jawahar Nagar, Nandanvan, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440009
Mob: 090960 60149
Avg. Google Rating:5
Offering DS Training in Nagpur Since:2017
FeesINR 50,000
Branches in India:Nagpur
Flagship Course Names:
  • Python
  • Machine Learning
Exclusive Data Science Institute:Yes
Training Delivery ModelOffline

4. Atlanta Computer Institute

ATLANTA COMPUTER INSTITUTE in Nagpur is Central India’s premier IT education provider. Operating for 23 years, it’s an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization.

Their faculty comprises experienced professionals with diverse tech backgrounds, available throughout the day. They assist with accommodation for out-of-town students. Both regular and accelerated course options are offered. Atlanta’s placement cell connects qualified students with job opportunities. Job-seekers can choose from career-oriented courses, with both online and in-person classes available for all programs.

Atlanta Computer Institute’s Nagpur branch offers cutting-edge technology and expert instruction. Their well-planned courses are led by qualified, experienced staff. IT software training provides excellent career prospects. Students can also take data science certification exams at the institute.

Course Curriculum:

  • Module 1: Data Science Basics
  • Module 2: Core Foundations (Math & Statistics)
  • Module 3: Advanced Statistical Methods
  • Module 4: Python Fundamentals
  • Module 5: Machine Learning & Data Mining
  • Module 6: Predictive Analytics with R

The institute boasts modern computer labs and a systematic approach to training. Their comprehensive data science program covers essential topics, from introductory concepts to advanced analytics tools. This structured curriculum equips students with in-demand skills for the growing field of data science.

NameData Science Courses with Python
Course Duration6 Months
Address:2nd Floor, Shivaji Complex,
Near Coffee House & Bank of Baroda,
West High Court Road, Opp. Titan Eye,
Dharampeth, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440010
Mobile: 90281 57794, 9595 321479
Avg. Google Rating:5
Offering DS Training in Nagpur Since:2000
FeesINR 79,500
Branches in India:Nagpur
Flagship Course Names:
  • Data Business Analyst
  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • Android
  • Data Structure
  • Salesforce
  • R Programming
  • Hardware
  • Networking
  • Ethical Hacking
Exclusive Data Science Institute:Yes
Training Delivery ModelOnline & Offline